10 MORE Horror Movie Wishes That Went Horribly Wrong

8. Wishing Her Mother Would Die - Pyewacket

All Cheerleaders Die
Entertainment One

Pyewacket follows black magic-obsessed teenager Leah Reyes (Nicole Muñoz), who following her father's death is forced to move to a remote house with her grieving mother (Laurie Holden).

An intense argument between the two sees Leah head out into the nearby woods and wish for her mother's death, eventually performing a ritual to summon the demon Pyewacket to kill her.

It doesn't take long for Leah to regret this, though - she soon enough starts getting on better with her mother, forcing Leah to figure out a way to stop the demon.

Leah's attempt to perform a ritual to undo the curse is interrupted when Pyewacket deceptively assumes the form of her mother.

When Leah's actual mother returns home later, Leah is convinced she's really the demon in disguise, and so douses her in gasoline before setting her on fire, killing her.

In the final scene, Leah is being interviewed by the police about the fire and she realises that, in fact, she burned her own mother to death while trying to defeat the demon.

Her wish came true in the most horrifying, self-fulfilling manner possible, and long after she regretted making it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.