10 More Horror Movies That Had No Right To Be This Good

7. Wrong Turn 2: Dead End

Ouija  Origin of Evil
20th Century Studios

It's not unfair to say that expectations were basically through the Earth's core for Wrong Turn 2: Dead End - a straight-to-video follow-up to 2003's modest backwoods slasher flick Wrong Turn, helmed by then-unknown filmmaker Joe Lynch.

This had basically everything working against it, including a budget less than one-third of the theatrically-released original, yet Lynch did perhaps the one thing nobody expected: he made Wrong Turn fun.

Don't be mistaken - Wrong Turn 2 certainly doesn't leave fans wanting for outrageous gore, but it's also an unexpectedly funny film compared to its more serious-minded predecessor, taking satirical pot-shots at reality TV yet never quite making the descent into nudge-nudge farce.

Lynch didn't have a ton of money to work with, but passion and effort bleed from every frame of this movie, confirming that he tried his damnedest to make an entertaining sequel rather than a lazy, cynical cash-in.

Four increasingly terrible sequels and a not-bad reboot later, it remains the best of the series by a wide margin, in turn proving that not all straight-to-video sequels are created equal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.