10 MORE Horror Movies That Tricked You Into Rooting For The Monster

6. Cujo

Jennifer's Body
Warner Bros.

Cujo's title character is about as sympathetic as horror movie monsters get, and that's because Cujo's really a good boy who never wanted to hurt anyone.

Were it not for the poor St. Bernard being bitten by a rabid bat, he never would've gone on a people-murdering rampage. And while we're certainly not encouraged to cheer on Cujo as he tears humans limb from limb, we certainly want him to get better.

Though there's no cure for rabies, had Cujo's owner acted quickly and taken him to get a vaccination booster, maybe things would've worked out differently? Or perhaps that's just grasping at straws.

All the same, because Cujo is so damn adorable when he hasn't got human entrails slobbered over his gob, you just want things to turn out alright for him. Sadly, the only thing that passes for "alright" here is the climactic release of death when he's finally put out of his misery.

Cujo proves one of the iron-clad golden rules of cinema: audiences are helpless against the charms of a cute dog.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.