10 More Horror Movies Where Evil Wins

9. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch

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Halloween III: Season of the Witch may be something of an outlier for the franchise - given that it doesn't feature Michael Myers at all - but it nevertheless clings true to the series' core ethos that evil usually prevails. Or at least, comes back for more.

Protagonist Dr. Dan Challis (Tom Atkins) spends the movie trying to stop Silver Shamrock CEO Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy), who plans to air a commercial which will kill any children wearing his cursed Silver Shamrock Halloween masks at the time, as part of a pagan sacrifice.

At film's end Cochran is killed and his factory destroyed, and though Challis is successful in stopping two TV networks from airing the fateful ad, he's too late to stop the third. As he screams into a telephone for the network to immediately stop the ad, the ominous implication is that Cochran's horrific plan at least partially succeeded, even if Challis prevented the deaths of some children by getting two networks to pull the plug.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.