10 More Horror Movies Where Evil Wins

7. Dead Silence

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A no-less unhinged but decidedly more amusing example now, with James Wan's divisive Saw follow-up Dead Silence.

The film follows Jamie Ashen (Ryan Kwanten), a young man who returns to his hometown following the brutal murder of his wife in the pursuit of answers.

It's eventually revealed that the entity responsible for the growing pile of bodies is the ghost of Mary Shaw (Judith Roberts), a ventriloquist who was lynched and murdered by Jamie's family for killing a young member of their family. In turn, Shaw is now seeking revenge by plotting to kill off the entire Ashen bloodline.

While we might expect Jamie to find a way to survive per genre conventions, he gets no such luck, instead being the last member of the Ashen clan to be killed by Mary at film's end. And because that's not harsh enough punishment for the "sins" of his family, Jamie then gets turned into a damn puppet for good measure.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.