10 More Horror Movies Where Pranks Brutally Backfired

7. Ruin Me (2017)

Teeth movie
Terror Weekend Productions

With an unknown cast and a high-concept meta premise - a Slasher Sleepout in the forest turns deadly when the happy campers start getting picked off for real - Ruin Me crept quietly through the back door in 2017, enjoying neither a cinematic release nor any publicity to speak of. And while it's not exactly horror gold, there are still a few surprises up its sleeve. Not least the fact that the mayhem and bloodshed are all part of an elaborate setup.

The Slasher Sleepout becomes all too real for reluctant protagonist and recovering addict Alex (Marcienne Dwyer), who feels like she has to fight for her survival while her friends and co-campers are picked off by masked maniacs. But by the film's conclusion, it turns out the apparent derailing of events had all been planned and her boyfriend Nathan (Matt Dellapina) was in on it all along.

But, for horror fans seeking some bona fide bloodshed, there's a final twist. The whole prank setup backfires at the very end of the film as Nathan pushes Alex that bit too far and she snaps, killing him with her sobriety necklace of all things.

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