10 More Horror Movies Where Pranks Brutally Backfired

2. Halloween: Resurrection (2002)

Teeth movie
Dimension Films

Infamous for being among the worst of the consistently sub-par films the Halloween series offered up between 1981 and 2009, Resurrection changed tack from the typical setup of a massacre on an unsuspecting house, hospital or Haddonfield.

Valiantly attempting to bring the franchise into the 21st century (and simultaneously sounding the series’ death knell), it placed the focus on a reality show taking place in series' villain Michael Myers' (Brad Loree) old house.

As a result, the movie is remembered for just a few distinct elements, namely the limited appearance and swift death of original scream queen Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) and reality show producer Freddie (Busta Rhymes), a character famously panned by the Halloween fanbase, donning the Michael Myers mask before eventually beating the Shape with some outlandish kung fu moves. 

One of the honoured few to wear the inside-out Shatner mask, Freddie dresses up as Michael to scare the reality contestants, not realising the real Myers is back in town and stalking his old digs. As a result, Freddie's gambit winds up getting several of the housemates killed when they mistake the real deal for his sorry ass.

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