10 More Horror Movies With The Best Monster Reveals

You'll be seeing them in your nightmares.

The Thing Dog
Universal Pictures

Whether a movie monster is brought to life with a rubber suit, elaborate animatronics, or computer-generated imagery, the beast should look distinctive, frightening, and authentic.

However, it's not just the creature's design that's important, as just as key is how the best is presented. Sharp editing, haunting music, chilling sound effects, and appropriate lighting can make a silly puppet or a guy in a costume resemble the stuff of nightmares.

As a result, it's crucial the monster in question is introduced in a way that's guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. If a demon, alien, or ghost looks nothing like how the audience expected, it throws them for a loop. Because most movies build their creature up slowly, it can catch viewers off-guard if the dreaded behemoth appears at the very beginning of a film. And sometimes, a monster blows everyone away, simply because it looks awesome.

Although this subject has been covered before, there are too many crap-your-pants moments to cover in one list. Despite the fact each of these nasty critters are magnificently designed, it's the way they revealed themselves that's made them stand the test of time.

10. The Bioraptors - Pitch Black

The Thing Dog
Universal Pictures

In Pitch Black, a space crew crash their vessel on a hostile world while it's experiencing a 22-year-long eclipse. To make matters worse, the planet is infested with vicious aliens called bioraptors. With no one coming to their rescue, the group's only means of survival is to rely on their psychopathic prisoner Riddick (Vin Diesel), who can see in the dark.

Even though the bioraptors are always nearby, viewers don't get a good look at them at first, since they're constantly surrounded in shadow; the movie is literally called Pitch Black, after all. However, this makes the unveiling of these dark-seeking monstrosities all the more effective.

As the bioraptors close in on the group, one member, Paris, panics and decides to make a run for it. Sadly, one of the nightly beasties takes a swipe out of Paris, mortally wounding him.

While holding a lighter, Paris takes a swig of alcohol, fully accepting his inevitable death. As he splutters beer over the lighter, the flame ignites, showing that he's completely surrounded by dozens of the nocturnal creatures.

This shot lasts no more than a second, but it's all that's needed to demonstrate the crew have next to no chance of surviving.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85