10 More Horror Movies With The Best Monster Reveals

8. The Pale Lady - Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark

The Thing Dog

The Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark novels stood out, since they didn't tone down the horror elements despite being marketed to kids. The series was a smash hit, compelling Hollywood to bring Scary Stories to the big screen.

Although the film adaptation showcases recognisable monsters like The Scarecrow and The Jangly Man, it's The Pale Lady that's sure to get hearts pounding. While Chuck is running through a hospital, he encounters this ghoulish figure in the corridor. Because of her disproportionate body, drenched hair, and permanent smirk, Chuck can instantly tell he's in serious trouble.

But it's not The Pale Lady's appearance that's most unnerving, but the way she plays with horror conventions. Slasher icons like Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers have a reputation for suddenly popping out of nowhere, almost like they can teleport.

This Pale Lady takes this trope literally, since she always faces Chuck, no matter which direction he looks in. Despite plodding forward at a snail's pace, Chuck can't escape The Pale Lady, since she gets closer to him regardless of where he goes.

This movie adaptation may have been a disappointment, but The Pale Lady's appearance perfectly captured the spirit of the source material.


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