10 More Horror Movies With The Best Monster Reveals

6. Belial - Basket Case

The Thing Dog
Analysis Film

Basket Case revolves around a strange man called Duane who carries a wicker basket wherever he goes. After checking into a hotel room, he casually chats to the basket's occupant, who is called Belial.

As Belial isn't seen for the first 30 minutes, the audience hasn't a clue whether he's an animal, a human, a demon, or something else entirely. Although Belial only speaks in growls, Duane seems to understand him perfectly. On first viewing, it's hard to tell whether the pair have a telepathic bond, Duane is just humouring Belial, or this is all in Duane's head. When Duane tells a resident the basket contains his brother, viewers don't know if he's joking or not.

Because of how well Belial is built up, it seems like his grand unveiling mightn't live up to expectations. Fortunately, it does.

When Dr. Needleman proves to be a nuisance to Duane, he releases Belial into the doc's office to dispose of him. Upon hearing a noise, Needleman turns on the light, where he sees Belial clinging onto the wall beside him. Only then is Belial revealed to be Duane's formally conjoined twin.

Even though Belial's anatomy makes no sense, his debut is still shocking, since moviegoers had never seen a monster quite like him before.


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