10 More Horror Movies With The Most Shocking Monster Reveals

2. The Thing - The Thing (1982)

Smile Monster
Universal Pictures

Not the dogs!

John Carpenter's The Thing is acclaimed as one of the greatest horror films ever made. The 1982 offering follows a group of Arctic researchers manning a remote facility who encounter the titular "Thing" - an extraterrestrial being that assimilates and imitates any organism unfortunate enough to cross its path.

Unfortunately for animal lovers worldwide, this status quo extends to dogs. After the film's eponymous entity camouflages itself as a husky in the early goings of Carpenter's iconic outing, it is kennelled alongside the station's sledgedogs, precipitating a hellish development in short order.

The Thing soon morphs into a grotesque creature with spider-like tendrils, the dog's face splitting open to form a bloody, triple-jawed monstrosity. It begins to violently absorb the howling huskies, alerting the station's occupants to the abhorrent proceedings unfolding.

Arriving on the scene, the scientists are confronted with a sight gruesome enough to give Freddy Krueger nightmares. The alien has transformed into a pulsating glob of bloated flesh, complete with a grotesquely deformed dog skull that screeches menacingly at the horrified scientists.

A combination of gunfire and flamethrower swiftly dispatches the blood-chilling Dog-Thing, but the damage is already done in terms of shock factor.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.