10 More Huge Actors You Didn’t Notice As Extras In Movies

4. Sigourney Weaver - Annie Hall

The Wizard Tobey Maguire.jpg
United Artists

Sigourney Weaver became an icon the moment Ridley Scott's Alien was released back in 1979, but two years before that she made her first appearance in Woody Allen's Best Picture-winning comedy masterpiece Annie Hall.

Allen's film includes early roles for a number of actors, such as Christopher Walken and Jeff Goldblum, though they're an absolute cakewalk to spot compared to Weaver, who is near-impossible to notice without knowing about her presence beforehand.

Weaver appears at the very end of the film when Alvy (Allen) crosses paths with Annie (Diane Keaton) once again after they've both moved on to other people.

Weaver, descriptively credited as "Alvy's Date Outside Theatre," stands to the left of Allen, and is distinguished only by her towering height compared to the actor-filmmaker.

While theoretically a nothing role for the actress, Weaver said in a 1995 interview that the part "meant so much" to her regardless. Appearing in a Best Picture winner certainly isn't a bad look for anyone after all, and things evidently skyrocketed for her soon thereafter.

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Tobey Maguire
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