10 More Important Star Wars Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

8. Lightsabers Are Basically Living Things

Luke Skywalker Joins The Empire

While lightsabers are first and foremost awesome laser swords, they're also something that most fans don't really think much about - they're basically alive.

Lightsabers are of course powered by kyber crystals, and while in the original continuity they were simply a source of energy, the post-Disney canon reveals them to be living crystals due to their connection to the Force.

In the 2017 comic Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine straight-up tells Darth Vader as much, saying "the kybers are alive, in their way. Like any living thing, they can feel pain."

Furthermore, Palps goes on to explain that the Sith's distinctive red lightsabers are made by basically torturing kyber crystals with hateful negative feelings until they start to turn red in a process referred to as "bleeding."

Further still, the new canon asserts that kyber crystals have a "collective consciousness" bordering on sentience, making them capable of communicating with one another and general Force users.

Though these more recent revelations have certainly divided some quarters of the fanbase, unless you're a keen follower of all things Star Wars, there's a good chance you've never even heard about it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.