10 More Important Star Wars Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

6. The Geonosians Were Wiped Out After Building The First Death Star

Luke Skywalker Joins The Empire

You might know that the Geonosians were forced to help build the original Death Star, but did you know what happened to them afterwards? Brace yourselves, because it gets rough from here on out.

In both Star Wars Rebels and the 2015 Darth Vader comic book series, we learn what became of the Geonosians.

Once the Death Star was operational, Grand Moff Tarkin had the surface of Geonosis sterilised with a toxic insecticide, causing the deaths of almost all 100 billion inhabitants on the planet.

There was only one survivor, a male Geonosian by the name of Klik-Klak who had custody of the last remaining Geonosian queen egg, with the hope of using it to keep his species alive. 

Except the resulting queen, Karina, ultimately turned out to be infertile, rendering the race functionally extinct.

Despite this genocide being the biggest the Empire has ever carried out, it's pretty shocking how little it's discussed among the wider Star Wars fandom. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.