10 More Insanely Accurate Movie Details You Never Noticed

1. Highly Accurate Chants, Formations And Tactics - Alexander

World Trade Center Nicolas Cage
Warner Bros. Pictures

It may not have been celebrated as one of the greatest historical epics of all time upon its release in 2004 - quite the opposite in fact, being widely panned and flopping at the box office - but Oliver Stone's picture about Alexander the Great did actually come with some seriously accurate details.

When it came to the Battle of Gaugamela scene in particular, Historian Dr. Roel Konijnendijk (via Invicta) was quick to point out a number of little moments within the war which were way more historically correct than you likely realised when first sitting through this sequence.

The chants for the war god "Enyalius" heard as the Macedonians prepare to engage are actually somewhat accurate, with the film smartly using the real-life war cry they were said to have used as a way for the various extras to keep the rhythm of their march.

Konijnendijk would then also add that everything from the 16 by 16 Macedonian phalanx formation seen, to Alexander's cavalry moving off and trying to separate the Persian wing opposite them from the rest of the army, creating a gap that would then be charged into while other troops behind the Macedonian cavalry kept the left wing occupied, were all accurate details based on accounts of this specific battle.

Sure, Alexander still ended up earning itself a few Razzie nominations and becoming the movie that Colin Farrell thought would end his career, but it at least boasted "the most accurate depiction of ancient combat that we have," according to the expert.

So, that's... something.

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