10 More Insanely Accurate Movie Details You Never Noticed

8. The Explosion Sounds - World Trade Center

World Trade Center Nicolas Cage
Paramount Pictures

Focusing on the world-changing real-life 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers, Oliver Stone's 2006 World Trade Center drama inevitably contained some rather disturbing moments. But one of the most subtle of these came in the form of some highly accurate sounds heard as the New York City police officers got closer to the harrowing scene unfolding in front of them in the film.

If you listen closely, you'll hear a collection of bangs and what sound like explosions when the likes of Michael Peña's Office Will Jimeno and Co. walk towards the chaos. It was noted by some of the individuals who survived the horrifying events of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks (via r/MovieDetails) that this was actually the sound of the people who jumped from the towers that day hitting the ground.

Just taking in the surreal visuals of this depiction of the infamous day was already a hugely distressing experience, but this additional audible detail really forces the audience to understand the horrifying truth of what it must have felt like to be so close to this terrifying situation.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...