10 More Insanely Accurate War Movie Details

1. Submarine Interiors Were Massively Accurate - Das Boot

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Columbia Pictures

Classed by many as one of the greatest war movies ever made, Wolfgang Peterson's dive into German submarine warfare by the name of Das Boot, a project that has been released both as a feature and TV miniseries over the years, is both incredibly intense and insanely accurate... in places.

With so much of the epic and routinely bleak drama going down within a German U-96 sub, Peterson felt it was vital that the project created as accurate a version of those interiors as possible.

And that's exactly what they were able to in the end after the writer of the book the production was based on, Lothar-Günther Buchheim, handed the team a bunch of reference photos he'd actually taken himself of the U-96. 

From here, the filmmakers crafted highly accurate submarine sets, with Peterson even going as far as to state that "every screw" was an authentic copy of the ones that were used throughout WWII (via WarHistoryOnline).

After all that hard work was put into creating an accurate feeling submarine, though, Buchheim would later comment on how he felt the actors involved were overacting at times, feeling their reactions were unrealistic based on his experience as a U-boat correspondent.

When it came to many of the non-living elements seen in Das Boot, however, it's safe to say the classic war movie knocked it out of the park.

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