10 More Insanely Accurate War Movie Details

2. Corporal Upham's Chin Straps - Saving Private Ryan

A Bridge Too Far Umbrella
Paramount Pictures

It says a lot that arguably the most realistic war film ever made is the only name to make a return from the first instalment of this series. Saving Private Ryan features so many touches of accurate cinematic detail that the real challenge is picking the most memorable version.

From the doomed Czech conscripts to a distinctive bruise on Private Jackson's thumb, Steven Spielberg went above and beyond in recreating the hellish conditions of WWII. The director even went as far as to only use audio sourced from authentic contemporary weaponry.

This time around, Spielberg's detail-oriented magnum opus is a minor outfitting feature. The majority of the US forces in Saving Private Ryan wear their M1 helmets without the chin-strap fastened. This was due to a widespread belief that the wearer could have their neck broken if the helmet was suddenly struck by a bullet - some units even went as far as to enforce the practice.

Appropriately, the only exception to this rule is greenhorn Corporal Upham. Jeremy Davies' translator is soon told to unfasten his potential neck-breakers by the other members of Captain Miller's squad, drawing further attention to his nonexistent combat experience.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.