10 More Most Paused Star Wars Moments
1. Death Star Explosion - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
And finally, who among us doesn't love marvelling at a huge, awesome explosion? It's basically hard-wired into us to stare slack-jawed at them, and Star Wars has regularly catered to that part of our lizard brains.
While the explosion of the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi is arguably much cooler, it isn't quite as statuesque as the original superweapon's destruction in A New Hope.
Seeing the Death Star suddenly explode in a gigantic fireball, complete with that unforgettable shockwave ring, is an incredible payoff to everything leading up to it, and something surely any Star Wars fan worth their salt has rewatched time and time and time again over the years.
Fun fact for the uninitiated: the shockwave ring was actually only added in the 1997 Special Edition, and honestly remains one of the most inspired changes George Lucas has ever made to any Star Wars movie post-release.