10 More Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

7. Erin Is A Survivalist - You're Next

Ready or Not

The marketing for Adam Wingard's savage horror You're Next quite shrewdly refused to reveal its big conceit, that one of the characters who ends up preyed upon by a fleet of masked home invaders is a lot more prepared than she might seem.

One of the focal targets is Erin (Sharni Vinson), who appears to be just another victim until the mid-way turning point, when she finds herself caught in an unescapable fight with one of the killers, Tiger Mask (writer Simon Barrett).

Erin quickly manages to outmanoeuvre him and bludgeon him to death with a meat tenderiser, immediately making it clear that she has some serious self-preservation skills. But the real kicker comes a few scenes later, when after fending off another attacker by stabbing him with a screwdriver, Erin reveals precisely what's up with her.

As it turns out, Erin grew up on a survivalist compound in Australia, where her father taught her extensive combat and survival tactics. With that in mind, the hunted categorically becomes the hunter, with Erin spending the rest of the movie satisfyingly putting her Special Set of Skills to good use.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.