10 More Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

7. How Was Alien Technology Affected By Human Technology? - Independence Day

Die Hard Hans Gruber Mystery
20th Century Fox

Ever since Independence Day released back in 1996, there has been one huge question mark hanging over a certain scene in particular. Some call it a plot hole, while others call it bad writing, but what everyone can seemingly agree on is that it didn't quite make sense.

The film is about an alien invasion that ultimately Jeff Goldblum's David Levinson is able to thwart from his computer. He essentially beamed a virus up to the aliens that stopped them in their tracks.

The question that plagued audiences for years was how exactly was that possible. How could a computer virus from the technology in our world possibly outmatch or corrupt that of the invading aliens? The answer came from a Reddit AMA session with the movie's writer and producer Dean Devlin back in 2014.

Levinson discovered that the aliens were using binary code, something that could easily be reverse-engineered by changing the ones to zeroes and the zeroes to ones. With alien invasions, it's too easy to assume that the extra-terrestrials have a much more sophisticated technology system than the people of Earth, but in this case, it was a simple binary code exactly the same as is understood here.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.