10 More Movie Characters Who Mean More Than You Think

6. Terry - Back To The Future Part II

Star Wars Bolvan
Universal Pictures

Marty McFly is a proper villain, isn't he?

He'll do whatever he can to stop himself being erased from history, but changing the past so your dad ends up rich and famous? That's just fine!

It's no surprise then that McFly attempted to repeat this time travel trickery in Back to the Future Part II. When he and Doc travel to 2015, Marty buys a sports almanac containing the results of every major sporting event from 1950 to 2000.

He plans to place bets on the matches, knowing full well their outcome. Doc persuades him otherwise, but an elderly Biff overhears this conversation and snatches the almanac for himself. Thus, the events of the film play out.

Despite being an objectively terrible person, Marty doesn't actually come up with the betting idea himself. He got that from Terry.

An old man who pesters Marty for a donation, Terry comments on how he would have liked to have bet on the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series at 100-1 odds. This inspires Marty, which leads to everything we just mentioned.

Remember kids, gambling is bad and Marty McFly is not a good role model.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.