10 More Movie Characters Who Mean More Than You Think

2. Bolvan - Star Wars

Star Wars Bolvan

Lots of small details happen in Star Wars that change the course of the series.

What if the Jedi Council had just let Qui-Gon train Anakin? What if BB-8 never ran into Rey? What if Luke and Leia never discovered they were related and got together?

Actually, ew, that's gross.

But perhaps the biggest coin flip moment in the whole Skywalker Saga came in the very first film to be released.

After Darth Vader and his troops storm Tantive IV looking for the Death Star plans, R2-D2 and C-3P0 manage to flee on an escape pod with the plans stored in R2's hard drive.

An Imperial Officer, who it turns out is called Bolvan, receives word that one of the escape pods has been jettisoned. Instead of destroying it, he tells everyone to hold their fire and that it must have short circuited.

In doing so, the officer lets R2 and 3PO go, which eventually leads to the downfall of the Galactic Empire.

If Bolvan had been more thorough, the Death Star plans would have never reached the Rebellion, and Luke Skywalker would have never found his destiny.

Talk about a bad day at work.

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Star Wars
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.