10 MORE Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Actually Survived

8. Dr. Robert Neville - I Am Legend

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 High Evolutionary
Warner Bros.

Here's a wild one. I Am Legend of course ends with Dr. Robert Neville (Will Smith) distributing the cure to the mankind-annihilating virus, before sacrificing himself, detonating a grenade to eliminate the attacking fleet of Darkseekers who threaten to destroy the cure.

It's a bummer of an ending that sees the movie unexpectedly veer off into schlock-action territory, and only proved all the more infuriating when an alternate ending was released on home video, where Neville survives and instead realises that the Darkseekers aren't simply mindless monsters.

All the same, the theatrical ending was regrettably canon as far as this movie went. That was, at least, until last year when Warner Bros. announced that a sequel was in development, with Smith inexplicably returning despite Neville apparently being dead.

Though most immediately assumed that Smith would simply play Neville in flashbacks or the film would actually be a prequel, it was later revealed that the sequel will go the uncommon route of throwing out the theatrical ending and accepting the alternate one as canon.

It's certainly a strange and potentially confusing decision given how the majority of people who've seen I Am Legend are likely only aware of the ending that's actually in the movie, yet given how the alternate ending is near-universally agreed to be superior, it also makes sense in its own way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.