10 MORE Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Actually Survived

6. Norman Nordstrom - Don't Breathe 2

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 High Evolutionary
Sony Pictures Releasing

Don't Breathe 2 is a messy, weird sequel that few were truly asking for, but the film at least seemed to tie itself off and deny the prospect of any other sequels when protagonist Norman Nordstrom aka The Blind Man (Stephen Lang) perishes at the end.

Many questioned the film's decision to reinvent Norman as an anti-hero given that the first film revealed him to be a rapist, but in the very least he dies a sacrificial death at the end of Don't Breathe 2, laying down his life to save his adopted daughter Tara (Madelyn Grace).

Unambiguously ending the "series" after two movies unequivocally seemed like the right call, but because Hollywood just can't help itself, a post-credits scene shows villain Raylan's (Brendan Sexton III) dog licking Norman's fingers, which then twitch, confirming him to be alive.

While the critical and commercial reception to the sequel will likely prevent a third film from happening, it did still turn a modest profit, so never say never.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.