10 MORE Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Actually Survived

4. Tom Hanson & Doug Penhall - 21 Jump Street

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The big-screen 21 Jump Street reboot was a pleasant surprise for many reasons, not least that it featured a pair of unexpected cameos from the original TV show's stars, Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise, playing their undercover cop characters Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall.

The duo are both shot multiple times during the movie's climactic shootout, with the very clear implication being that they died, quite neatly passing the torch to Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum's new generation of youthful undercover cops.

But directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller did actually shoot an extra scene which "confirms" that Hanson and Penhall survived. Despite being shot full of holes, the scene shows the wounded duo regaining consciousness and affirming that, actually, they're gonna be OK.

Their survival wasn't mentioned in sequel 22 Jump Street and, with a third film never going into production, there's virtually zero chance this will ever be followed up on.

All the same, for fans of the original series who were bummed that Hanson and Penhall died in order to make way for the new heroes, this was a welcome salve.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.