10 More Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

8. All Of The Ewoks - Return Of The Jedi

Wicket Ewok

Probably the most famous case on this list, but no less pertinent, even if George Lucas conveniently tried to manipulate the canon by ignoring science. By the end of Return Of The Jedi, the Death Star has been destroyed just as it was about to turn all of their enemy planets into dust. Cue wild celebrations, especially by the Ewoks, who would probably have been among the first culled.

But Wait...

Despite what Lucas said about the destruction of the Death Star - a space station equivalent to the size of a moon, remember - not having any other effects, it's literally impossible for there not to have been. One Dr. Curtis Saxon, an actual astrophysicist at the Mullard Space Science Lab, has confirmed that "the explosion of a small artificial moon in low orbit sends a meteoric rain onto the Ewok sanctuary, on a scale unmatched since Endor formed.

Through either direct atmospheric injection of small particles, or showers of ejecta from large impacts, the atmosphere will be filled with smoke and fallout causing a gargantuan nuclear-winter effect." And if that's not enough, Lucas' own Special Editions showed bits of the Death Star raining down on the planet. Which means the Ewoks were royally screwed.

Then of course there's the fact that the Empire still exists at the end of the movie: why would they all of a sudden decide not to wipe the planet out of existence? Because they'd suffered a humiliating defeat? Yeah, that's often the best way to calm megalomaniac evil corporations down...


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