10 More Movie Idiots Who Basically Created Their Own Villains

8. Luke Skywalker Pushed Ben Solo Over The Edge - The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker Ben Solo flashback

Look, obviously, part of Luke Skywalker's whole set-up is that he's a less morally infallible Chosen One than you'd traditionally expect. He has the potential for darkness in him and we're even warned by Yoda that he'll end up rotten if he doesn't do his chores and training properly. Which he doesn't.

Still, his complexity shouldn't mean that he suddenly develops a case of the Raging Idiots as an old man. Having exiled himself to drink all the blue milk he can suckle, it turns out that Luke ran away because he helped turn Ben Solo into Kylo Ren. And how he managed that is flat-out moronic.

Despite managing to save the Galaxy and being proven right in his belief that his father had some redeemable qualities left even after murdering LOTS of people, Luke for some reason decides that a hint of darkness in his nephew is enough to warrant killing him. He changed his mind, but the sight of him holding his lightsaber over him turned Ben to the Dark Side.

The decision to kill was bad enough, but why not only draw your weapon last minute, rather than letting it ominously illuminate the room. That's just bad tactics.

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