10 More Movie Idiots Who Basically Created Their Own Villains

5. Aquaman Went Dark To Teach Someone A Lesson - Aquaman

Manta Dad Aquaman
Warner Bros.

In one of the strangest character decisions of all time, Arthur Curry turns a bad guy into a supervillain by doing the opposite of everything that has informed him as a person up to that point.

The legend of the Aquaman is that he protects people in danger at sea, no matter what they're up to. They could be fishermen, literally killing his fishy friends and he won't let them die.

But then, when he foils the black ops mission to steal a submarine and Jesse Kane goes to shoot him in the back, Arthur goes all cold and inhumane and leaves him to die as punishment. Inevitably, his son - who is already a bad dude - witnesses this and pledges his life to vengeance, becoming Manta in the process.

At least Arthur eventually acknowledges that it was all his fault.

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