10 More Movie Mistakes That Became Canon

3. Rocco Finishes His Joke (While Getting Punched) - The Boondock Saints

Rocky Sylvester Stallone

Sometimes there are more important things than a scene making complete sense, as Troy Duffy confirmed with his cult classic The Boondock Saints. 

Early on in the film, jokester David Della Rocco (played by the actor of the same name) gets into a bar fight with members of the Russian mob after making a very, very naughty comment about one of their mothers, which ends with the phrase, "her face looked like an egg!"

This prompts said Russian to punch Rocco in the face, yet if you pay attention to the exchange, Rocco is actually punched before he can finish rattling off the one-liner. And yet, we hear the rest of the line regardless, as though he wasn't punched at all.

Clearly this is an awkward patch of editing, with Duffy struggling to have Rocco complete the line before being punched in the face, so he just shoved it in there regardless even though it doesn't really make much sense. 

After all, there's basically no way for a person to keep telling a joke in a perfectly composed tenor while getting socked in the jaw.

But for many fans, this bizarre mistake nevertheless feels perfectly in step with the movie's anarchic spirit and, more specifically, Rocco's status as a tireless wise-cracker.

Considering his nickname is literally "The Funny Man," if anyone's gonna be able to keep a gag going while being lamped in the face, it's definitely him. We'll let it slide.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.