10 More Movie Mistakes You Can't Believe You Didn't Spot

7. Mikey Calls Brand "Josh" - The Goonies

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Warner Bros.

The Goonies is one of the greatest films of all the 1980s, and one that touts an hilarious instance of a young actor accidentally breaking character in the middle of a take.

Roughly 40 minutes into the film, Mikey (Sean Astin) says to Brand (Josh Brolin), "There's something buried under there, Josh," unintentionally referring to actor Josh Brolin by his real name.

While you might not understand how you could've missed such a glaring mistake, it's worth pointing out that Mikey and Brand talk over each other during this exchange, so the word "Josh" is ever so slightly garbled when it comes out of Sean Astin's mouth.

All the same, once you know it's there, there's no un-hearing it at all. We can assume that director Richard Donner didn't hear it during editing, or just felt it was concealed enough through their banter that it didn't need to be re-dubbed in post-production.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.