10 More Movie Mistakes You'll Never Unsee

7. What Happened To Your Shirt? - The Fast And The Furious

Encino Man
Universal Pictures

Admittedly, the Fast and Furious franchise left the realms of realism in the dust many, many years ago at this stage. But there was actually a moment during the much more grounded first street racing outing that seemingly hinted at the often surreal franchise that would follow.

During the race wars sequence, the pink slip duel between Jesse and Johnny Tran played host to perhaps the quickest outfit change in cinematic history.

As the drag race is about to get underway, Tran can very much be spotted wearing a buttoned-up black shirt as the engines begin to rev. Then, just as the camera cuts to a shot of Johnny after the ref lifts their hands to kick-off the action, Tran is revealed to suddenly be wearing only a black vest.

What happened to his shirt in that second or two in-between shots? Did Tran literally tear it off in a fit of rage, only to effortlessly compose himself in less than two-seconds flat?

It's more likely someone just decided that the better look was to have the villainous gang leader showing off his guns in a tank top and hoped fans wouldn't clock the rapid attire change.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...