10 More Movie Mistakes You'll Never Unsee

5. The Ball Switches Colour Mid-Match - Goal!

Encino Man
Buena Vista Pictures

Those who have spent a frankly absurd amount of their spare time watching grown individuals run around a pitch chasing after a football, will all likely be very much aware of a little 2005 footy picture by the name of Goal!

What those who live and breathe all things footy may not have clocked during Santiago Muñez's rise to superstardom, however, is an easily missed football blunder in the form of those all important balls of air being booted around the field.

During the Chelsea match against Newcastle United midway through the feature, the object being passed and kicked suddenly changes colours mid-match, going from yellow to white at various points.

This isn't exactly a common occurrence in football, with a number of balls being used sometimes over the course of a game but never ones of differing colours throughout the match.

The mistake is likely just the result of slicing together real-life football footage with stuff filmed solely for the film. But it definitely leaves you feeling as though you're watching two different games at the same time once you spot that ever-changing ball.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...