10 More Movie Remakes Better Than The Original

1. Dune (2021 - Present)

Robert De Niro Heat
Warner Bros.

When even the director of a movie hates what they've produced, chances are it won't be received too well by an audience either. This was the case with David Lynch's Dune back in 1984, as the studio hacked the director's work to pieces to release a stilted and uneven film that satisfied no one behind the scenes.

In truth, Lynch was always a strange choice to direct the adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction epic, as his unmistakeably weird trademark style simply didn't fit the bill for such a huge blockbuster. However, the same cannot be said about Denis Villeneuve in 2021. Coming off the back of Arrival and Blade Runner 2049, the Canadian director made more sense for Dune than Lynch ever did.

Add to this the advancement in special effects, the stellar cast that would make any other production jealous, and the fact that the story would be split into two separate releases three years apart, the Dune remake always had a much better chance to be successful than the original.

The world-building and lore in Frank Herbert's novel series are simply breathtaking, and to achieve this in one film would be near-impossible. Though splitting Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Twilight novels into two movies acted more as a detriment than anything, here it was the right decision, allowing the story to be told on as grand a scale as it deserved.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.