10 More Movie Reveals You Can Spot Early If You Really Look

8. Chuck Isn't Really A Cop - Shutter Island

RIPD movie
Paramount Pictures

The Reveal

Though many people guessed Shutter Island's biggest twist, that Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) was himself a patient of Ashecliffe Hospital, far less viewers twigged the fact that Daniels' fellow U.S. Marshall Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) also wasn't who we thought.

In fact, Aule was actually Daniels' doctor, Lester Sheehan, who posed as Aule as part of an elaborate exercise to try and break Daniels' conspiracy-fuelled delusions.

How To Spot It Early

There's a brilliant giveaway right in the first few minutes of the film as Daniels and Aule are arriving at Shutter Island, and Deputy Warden McPherson (John Carroll Lynch) asks them to surrender their weapons.

They do so, but for a few seconds we see Aule struggling to un-holster his gun, because of course, the guy isn't really a cop at all.

Hilariously, there's even a fleeting shot where McPherson seems exasperated with Aule, which on a first viewing simply seems like general frustration, when it's more likely his irritation at having to play along with this charade.

Though there are many clues threaded throughout the film to hint at Teddy's frayed sanity, this is the only major hint that Chuck also isn't who he says he is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.