10 More Movie Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

3. Part Of The Burj Khalifa Scene Was Shot In Vancouver - Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Knives Out
Paramount Pictures

Tom Cruise definitely went for a ridiculous climb up the Burj Khalifa during the making of Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Most of that sequence was no trick, folks.

However, there was one specific moment during this thrilling Ethan Hunt stunt that required an easily-missed piece of CGI.

Now sure, the various wires used to keep the megastar from plummeting to the ground were obviously erased thanks to some digital intervention. But there's also one particular shot - as Ethan senses an incoming sandstorm - which would've been physically impossible to achieve on the real building, and needed CGI assistance.

When the camera pans around from in front of Cruise's face to behind it as the storm closes in, ILM VFX artist Todd Vaziri told Corridor Crew this moment is actually in Vancouver.

Cruise was 20 feet in the air, some of the real Vancouver sky is present, and the space the star eventually looks at is all blue screen. The window behind him was also removed as the camera swings around, to get that all-important over-the-shoulder shot in the can.

So, there you have it - the reflection of Cruise (and Cruise himself) were very much real, but the majority of the rest of this shot relied heavily on CGI.

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