10 More Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2020

1. Venom 2

Venom Carnage Woody Harrelson
Sony Pictures

While Venom was massively popular and made an absolute bucket of money for Sony, it wasn't exactly critically lauded. That sort of thing doesn't matter these days though - especially not when you use it as part of your marketing. Nothing says "come see this movie" like also saying that the critics just didn't understand it, after all.

Next year sees some big changes to the Venom universe. And no, that's nothing to do with Spider-Man potentially being available to cross-over into Eddie Brock's world. No, the big change is the signing of Andy Serkis as the sequel's director, which is great news given his eye for darkness.

The other big news is that Woody Harrelson is back to play Carnage, Hardy is obviously back too and Michelle Williams returns too - this time hoping to see more female Venom too.

What do you think of this slate of sequels? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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