10 More Movie Villains Who Would Have Won By Doing NOTHING

7. Hades - Hercules

Robert De Niro Heat

Disney's animated Hercules boasts one of the studio's all-time great villains in Hades - in large part due to James Woods' marvelous vocal performance - but that's in spite of the fact he basically hands himself a giant, flaming L.

Shortly after Hercules' (Tate Donovan) birth, Hades learns that in eighteen years, a planetary alignment will allow him to free the Titans and conquer Mount Olympus, as long as Hercules doesn't interfere.

Hades has his two impish goons, Pain and Panic (Bobcat Goldthwait and Matt Frewer), kidnap baby Hercules and feed him a potion which strips him of his immortality, though not killing him as intended and allowing him to retain his godly strength.

Years later, he realises that Hercules is still alive, and rather than just wait things out until the alignment occurs, decides to try and kill Hercules with the Hydra.

But Hercules defeats the Hydra and many other monsters, prompting his transformation into a heroic, revered figure. This sets up the events that lead to Hercules later becoming a true hero, regaining his immortality, and defeating Hades.

Killing Hercules absolutely wasn't necessary - leaving him a mere mortal regarded as an outsider by society would've absolutely sufficed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.