10 More Movie Villains You Didn't Realise Actually Won

3. Richmond Valentine - Kingsman: The Secret Service

Watchmen Matthew Goode

To be completely fair, Kingsman's villain Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) absolutely didn't want to die at the end, but all the same, he was ultimately far more successful in pulling off his population-curbing plan than the movie's ending or its sequel would have you believe.

Valentine's hilariously over-the-top scheme involved giving free SIM cards to everyone on Earth, before transmitting a signal which would turn them murderously violent, all in the pursuit of whittling down the population and stemming global warming.

We see a brief display of this potential when Valentine activates the signal in the third act, causing absolute chaos around the world until the signal is stopped.

People instantly start fighting and killing each other, with even parents - including Eggsy's (Taron Egerton) mother (Samantha Womack) - trying to kill their own kids.

Yet director Matthew Vaughn rather glosses over the fallout of this at the end of the film, no matter that surely millions - even tens or hundreds of millions - of people would've been killed globally, especially the young, old, and vulnerable.

Even with the signal only being active for a short time, Valentine likely wiped a decent portion of the world's population off the map. The fallout would've been traumatising for those who experienced it, but it also might've given Mother Nature some much-needed breathing room.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.