10 More Movies Already Cancelled In 2019 (And Why)

7. Cyborg

Justice League Cyborg
Warner Bros.

What We Knew

During principal photography on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in late 2014, Warner Bros. confirmed that a Cyborg (Ray Fisher) solo movie was in development, with a release date subsequently set for April 3, 2020.

The film was said to explore Cyborg's place in a world increasingly reliant on technology, alongside his fraught relationship with his father, Dr. Silas Stone (Joe Morton).

Why It Was Cancelled & The Future

Warner Bros. was undeniably optimistic green-lighting a Cyborg movie before the character had even had his cinematic coming-out party, but the studio clearly assumed that 2017's Justice League would be a billion-dollar sure thing while launching a host of successful solo movies in its wake.

But in addition to being a commercial disappointment - grossing just $657.9 million against a hefty $300 million price tag - Justice League was met with pure apathy by most critics and fans alike, and the rather listless introduction of Cyborg did little to boost the superhero's solo prospects.

Word went extremely mum on the film post-Justice League, until Ray Fisher commented last year that he didn't know if it was still in active development, due to the CGI-heavy nature of the character requiring a massive budget.

Despite earlier rumours that he might appear as a supporting character in Flashpoint, recent buzz indicates that not only is the Cyborg movie dead, but the character is basically being quietly erased from the DCEU.

It's cruelly ironic given that Warner Bros. is training their focus more on solo ventures than convoluted team-ups these days, but the studio is absolutely to blame for failing to sell the audience on the character.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.