10 More Movies That Almost Had Much Better Endings

6. George Sacrifices Himself - Rampage

Black Widow Scarlett Johansson
Warner Bros.

Dwayne Johnson is without question one of the biggest stars working in the industry today, and has earned his way to the top of the highest-paid actors list multiple times over the last few years. However, all that doesn't necessarily mean that every movie of his is a hit. In fact, plenty fail to strike a positive reception.

The likes of San Andreas and Skyscraper are particularly poor entries in The Rock's back catalogue, as is 2018's Rampage. For all of the action and CGI involved, these titles in particular have come across as just a tad generic.

Johnson reportedly actually fought against the original ending to Rampage, which at the very least would have lent the film something different, something to separate it from the rest of them. The video game adaptation saw George, a silverback gorilla, grow to a ridiculous size and essentially fight off and save Chicago from an equally gargantuan crocodile. If the original ending had made the final cut, George would have sacrificed himself to save the day.

Johnson likes sending audiences home happy, and didn't like the idea of such a sad end to the story. Sad it may have been, but it could have at least gone some way to stopping the film from being so damn forgettable.

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Black Widow
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.