10 More Movies We Desperately Wanted To Happen (But Never Will)

8. Halo: The Movie

Halo TV

Another hotly anticipated sci-fi feature which will never see the light of day, one of the most popular video games of the last two decades was once on the verge of being given the big-screen treatment.

That man again, Neill Blomkamp was attached to direct the incoming live-action Halo adventure, and none other than Peter Jackson was also set to serve as the film's executive producer.

Yet, this particular Warthog ride hit a few speed bumps a year after it was announced, with Universal and Fox eventually clashing with Jackson and Microsoft over the amount of profit they'd be taking in the end. The film's $135 million budget was also rumoured to be causing a few issues, and this all led to Jackson and co. being given the ultimatum (via Wired) of lowering their deals or kissing goodbye to the project.

The latter option was decided on and Blomkamp ultimately announced the exciting project was officially dead in 2007 (via The Inquirer).

Fast forward to March 2022, and a Halo live-action TV series, with Steven Spielberg as executive producer, did at least blast onto screens via Paramount+. But the District 9 collaborators playing in the world of Master Chiefs and the Covenant still ranks as one of Hollywood's most intriguing could-have-beens.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...