10 More Movies We Desperately Wanted To Happen (But Never Will)

3. Real Steel 2

Halo TV
Walt Disney Studios

Almost 12 years ago, eventual Stranger Things and Free Guy director Shawn Levy helmed a charming slice of sci-fi by the name of Real Steel.

Folks definitely connected with the story of Hugh Jackman's one-time boxer Charlie Kenton working with his estranged son and his former coach's daughter to give an old sparring bot a shot at robot boxing immortality.

And Real Steel's box office haul of nearly $300 million on a $110 million budget seemed to hint at some serious franchise potential. Sure enough, Disney and DreamWorks reportedly (via Deadline) began working on a follow-up before the first Real Steel was even officially released in cinemas.

Three years on from that, though, Levy confirmed at the Toronto Film Festival (via Collider) that both he and Jackman hadn't landed on the right script to justify a return. And his words of needing to make the film happen soon or "the audience may not be there in the same way" felt pretty ominous at the time.

Then, after years of wondering when Real Steel would get back in the movie ring, it was surprisingly revealed that a Disney+ series set in Levy's robotic world was in early development at the start of 2022.

However, the rather busy original feature gang finally getting back together for another big-screen round of mechanical fisticuffs still feels increasingly unlikely.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...