10 More Movies You Didn't Know Recycled Footage From Other Films

8. Unstoppable Took A Speedometer Shot From Gone In 60 Seconds

Up Cars 2

Tony Scott's Unstoppable is an absurdly entertaining, dead-simple action flick about two working class men (Chris Pine and Denzel Washington) attempting to stop a runaway train, and per the late Scott's typically hyperactive style, it rarely lingers on any one shot for long.

That certainly helped disguise the fact that Scott actually took a shot from another vehicle-centric action film released an entire decade prior - Gone in 60 Seconds.

In Unstoppable's climax, welder Ned (Lew Temple) is pursuing the locomotive in his pickup truck, and as he speeds up to reach the front of the train, for a fleeting second we catch a glimpse of the speedometer.

However, car enthusiasts might've noticed that this definitely isn't the speedometer of the Ford F-350 that Ned is driving, and that's because this insert shot was taken from a scene in Gone in 60 Seconds where protagonist Randall (Nicolas Cage) speeds away from the police in an entirely different car.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.