10 More Perfect Scenes In God-Awful Movies
Quantumania wasn't all bad, you know...

There's not much worse than forking out your dollar to witness a seemingly intriguing flick on the big or small screen, only to discover that said superhero outing, secret agent adventure, or prehistoric chaos is about as disappointing and entirely underwhelming as they come.
In the case of the following hugely lacklustre movie experiences, though, it actually wasn't all doom and gloom. In fact, there was the odd remarkable moment nestled in the thick of the mediocrity or just plain awfulness that arguably made the act of taking in the rest of the painful action on show worthwhile.
Simply put, the just about perfect scenes that make up this particular list all unquestionably deserved a better film to call home. But they unfortunately had to make do. And in the process found themselves standing head and shoulders above everything from uninspiring CGI-fests to talking velociraptors.
Deeply unsettling opening stretches that haunted fans out of the gates, some of the finest throwdowns ever brought to life on screens, and the sort of captivating introductions capable of making Thanos sit up and take notice, each of these exemplary sequences briefly made you forget about the otherwise terrible feature you were sitting through.
10. Live Aid - Bohemian Rhapsody

While there's no real arguing against just how damn impressive Rami Malek's Oscar-winning transformation into the iconic Queen frontman Freddie Mercury was, when it comes to the film playing host to his excellent work, most would confess to the biopic being pretty bang average at best.
The fact many were quick to complain about the way it was generally rather shoddily put together, with the film's editor John Ottman even admitting to wanting to "put a bag over (his) head" after not being satisfied with the editing seen in the moment the band meet up with their soon-to-be manager in particular, made its eventual Oscar win for Best Editing even more baffling, too.
But away from the editing and directing missteps, Malek's performance was given one hell of a moment to shine during a sequence many would argue was up there with the 2010's most impactful.
Fully capturing the essence of Queen's simply iconic 1985 Live Aid showing from start to finish, whilst brilliantly diving into the note-perfect performance given by Malek and the rest of the band throughout, the rest of Bohemian Rhapsody may be a largely paint-by-numbers and somewhat forgettable affair, but this recreation of music history was about as epic as it gets.