10 More Perfect Scenes In God-Awful Movies

1. Pteranodon Cage Chaos - Jurassic Park III

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Long before Jurassic World Dominion came along and botched the landing of a dino-stuffed trilogy, Jurassic Park III provided the blueprint of exactly what not to do when unleashing prehistoric chaos on the big-screen.

Gone was the wonder and genuinely unsettling moments involving everything from gigantic T-Rexes, to raptors hunting down our protagonists. In its place were surreal moments of unintentional hilarity in the form of talking animatronic dino-heads and generally predictable scares for the most part.

That being said, there was actually a single sequence contained within the 90-minute Golden Raspberry nominee that did feel like the Jurassic franchise was hitting some of its frightening form of old.

Your writer is talking about that horrifying sequence which finally sees the series embrace the skies somewhat, with the likes of Alan Grant and co. being forced to come face-to-face with some pteranodons when attempting to pass through an aviary.

The way the misty bridge quivers the second the group realise they're not alone evokes the similar unsettling feeling that came about after seeing the unforgettable glass of water shake back in 1993.

And the silhouette of the terrifying winged dino slowly wandering towards a spooked Eric, combined with Billy ridiculously parasailing in to the save the day, helped forge a moment that is equal parts perfectly outrageous and legitimately disturbing as the latter is picked at by the pissed off dino birdies.

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