10 More Perfect Scenes In God-Awful Movies

8. Bond Vs. Bautista - Spectre

Venom: Let There Be Carnage Post-Credits Scene Spider-Man

Between its general poor usage of the brilliance of Christoph Waltz in the lead Bond villain role, and desperately lacking the emotional weight of the prior masterful Skyfall entry, the attempt to infuse the shadowy Spectre organisation into this particular 007 arc felt like an all-round step in the wrong direction.

There was a glimmer of what fans had come to adore about Craig's hard-hitting iteration of the iconic MI6 agent to be found in the middle of the often unimaginative 2015 flick, though. And it all came whilst enjoying a tipple on a train.

Ambushed by one of the feature's only real consistent highlights in the form of Dave Bautista's silent force of nature, Hinx, Bond well and truly meets his physical match on the speeding locomotive.

The entire brawl bursts into the scenario like an unexpected brick to the skull, and every subsequent brutal thump, knee, and throw feels like something properly capable of breaking the average civilian in half.

It's gritty, uncompromising, and legitimately feels less stylish, choreographed skirmish, and more genuine struggle for survival. And your writer challenges you to fine a better fight-ending piece of dialogue than Hinx's defeated "sh*t" as he's suddenly yanked off the vehicle at full speed.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...