10 More Scariest Horror Movie Opening Credits

7. The ABCs of Death (2012)

Evil Dead Rise Opening
Magnet Releasing

Anthology horror movie The ABCs of Death still doesn't get the love it deserves from the community, despite having had 12 years out in the world. Featuring entries from horror directors across the globe, it is impossible to summarise, and yet - in terms of the spirit of the thing - the opening credits manage this a treat.

Featuring a house filling with blood, pouring from open pipes and seeping upwards out of the floorboards, we are transported with the overflow, first below, then above, witnessing the fine details of the blood creeping through the home. Quick cuts transport us between shots, snap zooms take us closer, time is sped up and down at irregular intervals, and all the while the movie flickers, a degraded quality infecting the images.

The sequence feels like a rollercoaster ride into hell, and given it has the job of teeing up some 26 short horror films, it does a tremendous job, building itself out from the established visual and auditory vernacular of horror, referencing a series of established properties, not least Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. That the blood coats and carries a collection of children's building blocks (which wind up spelling out the title) is just the ghastly cherry on top.


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