10 More Shocking Horror Movie Monsters With Surprising Powers

1. The Virus - Pontypool

The Ruins
Maple Pictures

Based on Tony Burgess' novel, Pontypool follows a radio announcer called Grant Mazzy. While speaking to callers on his show, Mazzy learns the locals have become inexplicably violent, resorting to murder and self-cannibalism.

Over time, it's revealed these events have been caused by some sort of monstrous virus. However, it's not spread through bacteria, plants, algae, or spores.

Instead, the infection is spread through words. More specifically, the virus has targeted the English language, causing people to become homicidal by saying, reading, or hearing certain phrases. Those who are affected are compelled to write or speak English, hoping to pass on the deadly disease.

What's worse is the trigger differs from person to person, so it's impossible to know what words to use. As such, the only way to avoid the infection is to communicate in a different language. For this reason, anyone who isn't bilingual is pretty screwed.

The idea of weaponising a language may be a bit nuts. However, anyone who fancies a horror movie with a completely bonkers threat should give Pontypool a go.

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