10 More Sneaky Film End Credits Messages You Probably Missed

2. Spoiler Alert - Hot Shots: Part Deux

Hot Shots 2 Crying Game
20th Century Fox

You might not be quick to admit it, but everyone loves a juicy spoiler. Sure, it can be frustrating to have the entire end of a movie ruined before you even get to see it, but there's also a car crash like intoxication about looking online for details about upcoming movies that drives an entire industry and keeps otherwise unemployable writers in content production jobs...

But back in the days before the Internet, there was no way to get your supply of ruinous revelations: unless of course you chose to watch the hilarious Hot Shots: Part Deux, which - almost needlessly - included a gag in there revealing the big secret from The Crying Game.

"She's a Guy!" it proclaims sensitively, as just one of many jokes crammed in there.


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